Fact-Checking the President on Health Insurance: His tales of abuse don't stand scrutiny. (Scott Harrington)
Rationing for Dummies (Robert H. Knight)
Washington's New Buzzword: Mandating Individual Responsibility (Dan Holler)
Barak Obama: I want universal healthcare, not private insurance (2007)
Obama's healthcare speech to Congress (September 10, 2009)
Another Health-Care Invention: Obama and the cost of individual insurance (Sept 16, 2009)
President Obama's slippery healthcare reform double-speak reminds me of whatMartin Luther wrote concerning Erasmus of Rotterdam:
. . . For this it was, that even the public laws of the Roman empire condemned this manner of speaking, and punished it thus. - They commanded, 'that the words of him who should speak obscurely, when he could speak more plainly, should be interpreted against himself.'

De Servo Arbitrio "On the Enslaved Will" or The Bondage of the Will
by Dr. Martin Luther, Henry Cole, Translator (1823)
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